IP•Tube GT1 SS7-Signal
SS7 Over IP
- Exploits Efficiency and Flexibility of Packet Networks
- Reduces Transport Costs
- Facilitates New Revenue Opportunities

9" (L) x 7.3” (W) x 1.50” (H)
SS7 Signaling Circuit Extension Over IP
The IP•Tube GT1 SS7 SIG delivers SS7 signaling over cost effective IP networks without costly replacement of existing equipment. Benefits are realized immediately, simple installation emulates existing point to point circuits without reconfiguration of the MSC, STP or HLR. The IP•Tube GT1 SS7 SIG encapsulates the SS7 Message Signal Units (MSUs), Link Status Signal Units (LSSUs), and optionally Fill-In Signal Units (FISUs) into IP packets from the T1 interfaces of:
- Telco Switches
- Signal Transfer Points
- Mobile Switching Centers
- Home Location Registers
The IP•Tube GT1 SS7 SIG transparently transports SS7 messages over IP networks. SS7 signaling network elements such as local and tandem switches, Mobile Switching Centers, Signal Transfer Points and Home Location Registers that are interconnected to remote network elements by IP•Tube GT1 SS7 SIGs are able to transmit their signaling messages over cost effective and flexible IP networks.
IP•Tube GT1 Standard Features
Industry Standard SS7 Framer
The IP•Tube GT1 SS7 SIG uses an industry standard SS7 Framer to receive and transmit SS7 messages. Minimal IP bandwidth is required to deliver SS7 since only Message Signal Units (MSUs), Link Status Signal Units (LSSUs) SS7 frames are encapsulated into IP packets.
Assured Delivery Protocol
In order to assure high quality communications over links with intermittent or noisy performance, such as Wireless or Broadband over Power Line, the IP•Tube GT1 SS7 SIG employs Engage’s robust Assured Delivery Protocol with the following benefits:
• Packet out of sequence detection and re-sequencing
• Duplicate skipping,
• Lost packet retransmission with configured delay.
Dual LAN Interfaces
All IP•Tube GT1 models ship with dual 10/100BaseT Ethernet LAN ports. The dual Ethernet interfaces provide for:
• Management interface on LAN port 2 when LAN port 1 is connected to a VPN tunnel
• The LAN ports can be configured to support connections over 2 opposite ADSL links
• Alternator Option for load balanced SDSL interconnects
• Protector Option for Redundant Packet Path connections with Constant or Switch Over Criteria
Service Quality Packet Prioritizing
The IP•Tube GT1 uses the Type of Service byte in the IP packets and 802.1p/q mac level prioritization to prioritize the encapsulated SS7 Messages.
VPN Network Management
Interconnecting the IP•Tube GT1 through a Virtual Private Network with a sufficient real time committed information rate ensures that the required quality of service is provisioned. The IP•Tube GT1's second Ethernet interface provides a management port when the first Ethernet interface is connected to a VPN. Each Ethernet LAN interface features independent IP network configurations.
IP•Tube GT1 Optional Features
T1 Drop and Insert OPTION -D&I
The 2nd T1 Interface can be activated to provide a Drop and Insert interface for direct inline connection to the SS7 DS0 without requiring a DACs.
T1 Mutiplexor OPTION -MUX
The IP•Tube GT1 SS7 SIG with the MUX option has the ability to support remote SS7 messaging taps from 24 SS7 timelsots.
Protector OPTION -PRO
The protector option utilizes the second LAN interface as a redundant path for the interconnection of the IP encapsulated T1 Circuit. The extension of the T1 circuit has a fault tolerant link that is configured to always on, or with switch over criteria.
Protector OPTION -EnPRO
The Enhanced version has configuration parameters that enable a secondary packet path with high relative delay to primary path be synchronized. The packet sequence delay synchronization ensures concurrent redundancy with a high degree of error tolerance. Error free operation is accomplished when a primary or secondary Packet is not received and a redundant duplicate packet is available. The IP•Tube also supports the transmission of multiple duplicate packets to support Mission Critical Circuit extension with redundancy that is only limited by the bandwidth provisioned.
Pay-As-You-Grow Field Upgrades
The IP•Tube GT1 SS7 SIG has configurations with 1 to 4 integrated T1 interfaces each of which supports 1 to 31 SS7 Communication links. The IP•Tube GT1 SS7 SIG is designed for Pay-As-You-Grow expansion. Customers can elect to economize initial installation by purchasing a single active T1 port, and then enabling an additional SS7 DS0s or T1 ports via an option license key.
Rack Mount Kit
The IP•Tube family is ready for your most demanding central office or data center environments. With the Rack Mount Kit, IP•Tube products are easily installed in 19" and 23" racks. Easy access to both front and rear sides facilitates technician maintenance procedures.
Reduced Transport Costs
Carriers significantly reduce SS7 transport costs by replacing expensive long-haul dedicated signaling links with very competitively priced IP connectivity between network elements.
Long Haul SS7 Traffic via IP Networks
Low Cost IP Services, such as xDSL, have sufficient bandwidth to deliver the SS7 Over IP packets. SS7 Over IP network bandwidth utilization is limited to SS7 MSUs and LSSU.
Deployment Flexibility
Widely available commercial and private IP networks provides the SS7 network designer with competitive options for interconnecting the signaling points.
New Revenue Opportunities
Cost-effective IP transport technology and service-rich SS7 applications enables operators to quickly integrate enhanced services and capture new revenue.
SS7 (Signaling System 7) separates the information required to set up and manage telephone calls in the Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN) onto a separate packet switched network (Signaling Network). It uses Message Signal Units (MSUs), Link Status Signal Units (LSSUs), and Fill-In Signal Units (FISUs) as signal units. The main protocols include MTP (Message Transfer Part – Level 1 to 3), SCCP (Signalling Connection Control Part), and ISUP (ISDN User Part).
LAN Network Interface
- Two 10/100BaseT Full/Half Ethernet
- Auto negotiation or Configurable Speed and Duplex
LAN Network Protocols Supported
1 to 4 Duplicate Packet Transmission
- Resilient performance through a lossy interconnect.
T1/Fractional T1 Specifications
- One to Four Port Models
- Connects directly to T1 or DS1
- Framing - ESF or D4
- Coding - B8ZS or AMI
- Supports DS0 assignments from 1 to 24
- Non Contiguous Configuration x-y,z Supported
T1 Over IP Protocol
- SS7 Frame UDP encapsulation with Assured Delivery
- Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)
- Network Tranparent - no point code required
- Type of Service and Mac layer 802.1p/q QOS
TFTP Online Upgrade Capable (FLASH ROMs)
- IPTube is fully operational during upgrade
Quality of Service Support
- IP Type of Service (TOS) CLI configurable
- IANA Registered UDP Port 3175
- 802.1p/q mac level prioritization
- 9" (L) x 7.3" (W) x 1.50" (H)
- Telnet support with Edit and Paste Templates
- Console Port for Out of Band Management
- SNMP support (MIB I, MIB II) with configurable traps
- Remote configuration, monitoring, & reset
- Telco Diagnostics: Local Loop, Remote Loop
- Safety -IEC60950
- EMC - CFR 47 Part 15 Sub Part B:2002 EN55022: 1994 + A1 & A2 EN55024, ICES-003 1997 CISPR 22 Level A
- Telecom - Part68
- CE
Rear Panel/Power
- 12-24 VAC/VDC, 1.0A. International Adapters Available
- Optional -48V 0.25 Amp
- Hot Standby with 2nd Power Module
Ordering Information
Rack Mount & Power Supply Options:

Part No.
IP•Express GT1 SS7 Signal, *Note: x = specificed number of enabled T1 ports (1 to 4)
Optional Features
Optional Features
ROHS compliant materials and processes, Restriction of Hazardous Substances no Pb
Alternator Load Balancing, Enable Alternator Load Balancing
Protector Option, Fault Tolerant Network Interconnect. The protector option utilizes the second LAN interface as a redundant path for the interconnection of the IP encapsulated data. The extension of the IP-Tube has a fault tolerant link that is configured to always on, or with switch over criteria. Learn more.
Power Supply Options
Power Supply Options
90-220 VAC Universal International/Domestic Adapter
DUAL REDUNDANT, 90-220 VAC Adapter
Internal Power Module, -48 VDC Screw Terminals
DUAL REDUNDANT, -48 VDC Screw Terminals
WIREDC Option, +24 VDC Screw Terminals
Rack Mount Options
Rack Mount Option
Rack Mount Kit - for single 7" products (Fits both 19" and 23" racks)
2 unit 19" x 1RU Rack Mount Kit for 7" products
Right Angle Wall Mount Bracket Kit