Press Contact: Mary Soules
Engage Communication, Inc.
1.877.ENGAGE4; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Engage Communication adds Load Balancing Option to its Evolutionary Voice Over IP Products
Aptos, CA, July 20Th, 2004
Engage Communication adds a new innovation to the evolutionary voice over IP IP•Tube product line. The IP-TubeAlternator Load Balancing Option enables the interconnection of TDM-based (T1 or E1) communication equipment to be established over 2 parallel links using xDSL or other less-expensive broadband technologies.
The Alternator alternately sends the IP packetized T1/E1 frames on both LAN 1 and LAN 2 ports on the IP-Tube. TheAlternator option enables fractional and full T1/E1 circuits to be split over two lower-cost IP WAN connections such as xDSL. The cost of interconnecting T1 communication systems across packetized xDSL is a fraction of long distance leased T1 circuit costs, resulting in an ROI measured in weeks.
The Engage Lossless Data Compression option can be combined with the Alternator option to minimize the bandwidth required on both the alternate WAN paths. The addition of the Alternator option further extends the economic advantages of deploying the Engage IP-Tubes for interconnection of TDM-based communication equipment.
About Engage Communication
Engage Communication, incorporated in 1989, enables enterprises, small-medium businesses, and telecommunications service providers to take advantage of the lower costs and flexibility associated with IP/Ethernet transport while preserving the enormous investments made in legacy premises equipment such as PBXs, switches, multiplexers, routers, video codecs, encryptors, ....
Engage Communication · 9565 Soquel Drive, Aptos, CA95003
Tel: (831) 688-1021 · Fax: (831) 688-1421 · This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.