Metropolitan Transit Authority Upgrades Communications Easily and Affordably with Engage IP Tube

Metropolitan Transit Authority Upgrades Communications Easily and Affordably with Engage IP Tube

EngageTrainFor metropolitan transit authorities with aging communication networks, the choice to upgrade their entire network infrastructure can be costly and sometime prohibitive. Yet for some transit authorities, it can be more cost effective to use circuit to packet converters to upgrade their communication system.

For one Transit Authority located in the Western U.S., this was the best solution possible. After first deciding to upgrade its aging SONET network that connected more than 50 stations, to run on a 10 Gigabit Ethernet communication network, the transit authority found it to be much more expensive and time consuming that originally anticipated.

So the metropolitan Transit Authority opted for a different approach: connecting the circuit outputs of existing equipment to the 10 Gigabit Ethernet network via Engage’s circuit to packet converters: Engage IP•Tube. This greatly reduced the complexity of transitioning all equipment and network infrastructure to IP, and addressed the associated time, cost and training concerns introduced by the initial approach.

Selecting the Engage IP•Tube over other solutions was easy, since the IP•Tube has a broad array of circuit to packet interfaces (T1/E1, T3/E3, Serial, modem, 4-wire, etc.), and remote and central site chassis configurations. Plus, Engage has extensive experience helping the Transportation industry with innovative and cost effective solutions that connect network elements, protect critical circuits and secure network traffic was also a deciding factor.

The Transit Authority implemented the Engage IP•Tube and replaced numerous SONET rings. With the Engage IP•Tube in production across the network the transit authority realized their time and cost reduction objectives and no issues have been encountered.

To read more about how this Transit Authority in the Engage Case Study.

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